Our Bed Bugs Exterminator Knows Where to Strike These Small but Scary Insects
Today, we will discuss the anatomy of bedbugs. Yes, that’s right, the microscopic mahogany or rusty brown insects that can often be found around every corner of a hotel room and transported to your home in Las Vegas, NV through the luggage you have traveled with. They are similar to the size of an apple seed, but no matter how hard it is for you to imagine, these small pests can put your health at hazard. This is why, as soon as you detect even the slightest signs of bed bug infestation, we advise you to seek professional help from a bed bugs exterminator.
In order to help you recognize these insects, we will list their main body parts and will add a short description for each of them.
- Eyes. Bed bugs have compound eyes in which a single large eye is made up of many repeating units, called ommatidia. This makes the eyes of the bedbugs extremely sensitive to movement.
- Head. Bed bugs have a short broad head that attaches to the thorax.
- Wing pads. Adult bed bugs are equipped with vestigial wings (undeveloped wings in the form of wing pads). They cannot fly.
- Thorax. This is the body segment where the legs are attached, enabling the bed bugs to move.
- Setae. Often mistaken for hair, these are tiny sensory structures which cover the abdomen of a bed bug.
- Legs. The legs of these insects are 6 and are perfectly adapted for crawling. The speed which these legs allow bed bugs to move is about 4 feet per minute. They have “claws” which they use for gripping rough surfaces, including human skin when they are feeding themselves. Your bed bugs exterminator will confirm that the legs of these animals are quite strong.
- Abdomen. It has 11 segments which expand easily, allowing the bed bug to fill with blood and pump up as it is feeding.
- Antenae. They have 4 segments and are half as long as the entire body of the bed bug. This is necessary because the insects use them as guiding sensors when looking for a victim.
- Proboscis. This is a small tube which is tucked under the mouth and becomes longer when the bed bug is ready to dine. It injects anti-coagulating saliva and withdraws the blood.
You want to learn more, call a bed bugs exterminator from Accurate Pest Control’s team at (702) 838-1191!